Scientific Seminar of Power Electronics Systems – SCSEP 2016




The INEP (Power Electronics Institute) will promote the first Scientific Seminar of Power Electronics Systems – SCSEP 2016 event to be held on 13 December 2015 at UFSC, Florianópolis and will be organized by local committee. The seminar is scheduled to receive about 100 people, including students and teachers of the institution and others, as well as professionals from the public and private sectors.

The event aims to present and disseminate the student work (doctoral, masters of science and course completion initiation) developed at INEP that are in advanced stages and possible solutions to the industry, thus enabling the interaction between academia and business. Together, will be lectures and discussions with invited experts of the area, with the purpose to present current trends and requirements of Power Electronics area as well as its future prospects.


Venue: Auditório do CTC

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